The first word is one of my favorites, and I really enjoy using it, and the second word is one that I heard the other day. One of the people in my class said it, and it struck me that my professor, who is French, might not have had any idea what that meant, and it's a less-than-common word, so I thought I'd share!
Let's ROCK!
First word!
noun \ˈbün\
Definition of BOON
: benefit, favor; especially : one that is given in answer to a request
: a timely benefit : blessing
Examples of BOON
1. "The couple's generous donation was a great boon to the charity's fund-raising campaign."
2. "He is a softhearted man who finds it hard to deny any boon, whether it be for friend or stranger."
Synonyms: advantage, aid, asset, benefit, help
Antonyms: disadvantage, drawback, encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, minus
Origin of BOON
Middle English bone prayer, request, the favor requested, from Old Norse bōn request; akin to Old English bēn prayer, bannan to summon — more at ban
First Known Use: 12th century
12th Century!
-1107—The Chinese engineer Wu Deren combines the mechanical compass vehicle of the South Pointing Chariot with the distance-measuring odometer device.
-1130–1138: Papal schism, Pope Innocent II vs. Antipope Anacletus II.
-1185-First record of windmills.
*What is going on here!? The Chinese do some fancy shmancy combinification** of instruments, and then Catholic Church is all confused about who the heck is going to be pope! I mean, they seriously even named one of them the Anti-Pope! I wonder if the return of the Anti-Pope will mark the beginning of the End of Church Days...teehee!
Whoever made windmills was really smart. Harnessing the wind was a major boon for the people of the 12th Century. Or maybe he/she was a doofus and just wanted to watch the mills go round and round all day. OH, HISTORY'S MYSTERIES!!*
Second Word!
noun \ə-ˈna-thə-mə\
Definition of ANATHEMA
a : one that is cursed by ecclesiastical authority b : someone or something intensely disliked or loathed —usually used as a predicate nominative
a : a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication
b : the denunciation of something as accursed
c : a vigorous denunciation : curse
Examples of ANATHEMA
1. That politician is anathema to conservatives.
2. Those ideas are an anathema to me.
The word is, as far as my experience is concerned, not used in as harsh a manner as the definition would suggest. It has always struck me as something that is simply opposite or totally unlike the mindset of someone, rather than a curse. I may be incorrect, however. Either way, you'll recognize what the person is trying to say if you ever encounter this word.
Synonyms: curse, ban, execration, imprecation, malediction, malison, winze [Scottish]
Antonyms: benediction, benison, blessing
Origin of ANATHEMA
Late Latin anathemat-, anathema, from Greek, thing devoted to evil, curse, from anatithenai to set up, dedicate, from ana- + tithenai to place, set — more at do
First Known Use: 1526
-The first official translation is made of the New Testament of the Bible into Swedish (cf. 1541).
-The first complete printed translation of the New Testament into English by William Tyndale arrives in England from Germany in the spring. It had been printed in Worms, Germany.
-Gunsmith Mastro Bartolomeo Beretta establishes the Beretta Gun Company, which is still in business today, making it one of the oldest corporations in the world.
*There is really not much to say except for the fact that it's hilarious that people felt the need to start producing guns after religion started spreading. After all, it wasn't the Church that did it, because violence and murder is completely anathema to Church ideology! Isn't that right!?
Well, there's that! Hope you all feel a bit more educated and lighthearted. Have a fantastic day.
Words between the * are subject to heavy scrutiny.
**combinification is definitely NOT a word
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sublime Melancholy aka You look like a sad angel...
Okay, so it's been a while since I updated, and I miss it for sure. I have a bit of time this weekend, well today at least, because I took off the weekend to write that big ass paper. Got it done yesterday, and even though I've got more stuff to do today, I miss sharing with you guys and hearing what you think, so I'm gonna do this!
Ready to get kickin'!?
First word!
sub·lime adj \sə-ˈblīm\
Definition of SUBLIME
1 a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner
b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth
c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
— sub·lime·ly adverb
— sub·lime·ness noun
Examples of SUBLIME
"He composed some of the most sublime symphonies in existence."
"Just enjoy the sublime beauty of the canyon."
Synonyms: amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, awful, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, marvelous, surprising, wonderful, wondrous
Antonyms: base, debased, degenerate, degraded, ignoble, low
Origin of SUBLIME
Latin sublimis, literally, high, elevated
First Known Use: circa 1567
Circa 1567!
-24 July – Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate and replaced by her 1-year-old son James VI.
-September 29 – The Second War of Religion begins in France when the Prince of Condé and Gaspard de Coligny fail in an attempt to capture King Charles IX and his mother at Meaux. The Huguenots do capture several cities (including Orleans), and march on Paris.
-The Rugby School, one of the oldest public schools in England, is founded.
*First of all, Mary, Queen of Scots, is replaced by her 1 year old son? I have only one thing to say about that:
Of course, when the Huguenots found out about this, they done froke out! "A baby as a king? What's next, us trying to take Paris!? HAHAHAHAHA!
Hey, Pierre, I've got an idea..."
Then, the English built a school. Hooray school! And considering it's been around so long, clearly, the education obtained from that school is sublime. *
Second word!
mel·an·choly noun \ˈme-lən-ˌkä-lē\
plural mel·an·chol·ies
Definition of MELANCHOLY
1 a : an abnormal state attributed to an excess of black bile and characterized by irascibility or depression
b : black bile
c : melancholia
2 a : depression of spirits : dejection
b : a pensive mood
Examples of MELANCHOLY
"The bleakness of winter sometimes gives me cause for melancholy."
Synonyms: blue devils, blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despond, despondence, despondency, disconsolateness, dispiritedness, doldrums, dolefulness, downheartedness, dreariness, dumps, forlornness, gloom, gloominess, glumness, heartsickness, joylessness, sadness, miserableness, mopes, mournfulness, oppression, sorrowfulness, unhappiness
Antonyms: bliss, blissfulness, ecstasy, elatedness, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, felicity, gladness, gladsomeness, happiness, heaven, intoxication, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, jubilation, rapture, rapturousness
Middle English malencolie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin melancholia, from Greek, from melan- + cholē bile — more at gall
First Known Use: 14th century
14 Century!
-Louis the Great of Hungary (king: 1342–1382) King of Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, Jerusalem, Sicily and Poland from 1370. He led campaigns From Lithuania to Southern Italy, From Poland to Northern Greece. He had the greatest military potential of the century with his enormous armies.(Often over 100,000 men)
-Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, victor in the First War of Scottish Independence against invasion by the Kingdom of England (1274–1329).
*The peoples of Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia (which was the first and only state inhabited solely by dogs), Jerusalem, Sicily and Poland never had the chance to be melancholy in the 14th century. They were too busy getting PWN'D by this guy:
Louis the Great of Hungary. I mean, just look at him. He screams badass.
Of course, Robert the Bruce was always a melancholy and whiny nincompoop, because Scotland has the most depressing weather. I guess he thought it was the strong English presence that made it so unbearable, and kicked their asses back from whence they came! BOOYAH!*
So yeah. There's that. I hope you're not feeling sublimely melancholy, or even ordinarily melancholy. Chin up on this Sunday evening, my friends! See you soon.
Disclaimer: As always, all information between the * is open and should be subjected to severe scrutiny! :P
Ready to get kickin'!?
First word!
sub·lime adj \sə-ˈblīm\
Definition of SUBLIME
1 a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner
b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth
c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
— sub·lime·ly adverb
— sub·lime·ness noun
Examples of SUBLIME
"He composed some of the most sublime symphonies in existence."
"Just enjoy the sublime beauty of the canyon."
Synonyms: amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, awful, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, stupendous, marvelous, surprising, wonderful, wondrous
Antonyms: base, debased, degenerate, degraded, ignoble, low
Origin of SUBLIME
Latin sublimis, literally, high, elevated
First Known Use: circa 1567
Circa 1567!
-24 July – Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate and replaced by her 1-year-old son James VI.
-September 29 – The Second War of Religion begins in France when the Prince of Condé and Gaspard de Coligny fail in an attempt to capture King Charles IX and his mother at Meaux. The Huguenots do capture several cities (including Orleans), and march on Paris.
-The Rugby School, one of the oldest public schools in England, is founded.
*First of all, Mary, Queen of Scots, is replaced by her 1 year old son? I have only one thing to say about that:
Of course, when the Huguenots found out about this, they done froke out! "A baby as a king? What's next, us trying to take Paris!? HAHAHAHAHA!
Hey, Pierre, I've got an idea..."
Then, the English built a school. Hooray school! And considering it's been around so long, clearly, the education obtained from that school is sublime. *
Second word!
mel·an·choly noun \ˈme-lən-ˌkä-lē\
plural mel·an·chol·ies
Definition of MELANCHOLY
1 a : an abnormal state attributed to an excess of black bile and characterized by irascibility or depression
b : black bile
c : melancholia
2 a : depression of spirits : dejection
b : a pensive mood
Examples of MELANCHOLY
"The bleakness of winter sometimes gives me cause for melancholy."
Synonyms: blue devils, blues, dejection, depression, desolation, despond, despondence, despondency, disconsolateness, dispiritedness, doldrums, dolefulness, downheartedness, dreariness, dumps, forlornness, gloom, gloominess, glumness, heartsickness, joylessness, sadness, miserableness, mopes, mournfulness, oppression, sorrowfulness, unhappiness
Antonyms: bliss, blissfulness, ecstasy, elatedness, elation, euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, felicity, gladness, gladsomeness, happiness, heaven, intoxication, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, jubilation, rapture, rapturousness
Middle English malencolie, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin melancholia, from Greek, from melan- + cholē bile — more at gall
First Known Use: 14th century
14 Century!
-Louis the Great of Hungary (king: 1342–1382) King of Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, Jerusalem, Sicily and Poland from 1370. He led campaigns From Lithuania to Southern Italy, From Poland to Northern Greece. He had the greatest military potential of the century with his enormous armies.(Often over 100,000 men)
-Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland, victor in the First War of Scottish Independence against invasion by the Kingdom of England (1274–1329).
*The peoples of Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia (which was the first and only state inhabited solely by dogs), Jerusalem, Sicily and Poland never had the chance to be melancholy in the 14th century. They were too busy getting PWN'D by this guy:
Louis the Great of Hungary. I mean, just look at him. He screams badass.
Of course, Robert the Bruce was always a melancholy and whiny nincompoop, because Scotland has the most depressing weather. I guess he thought it was the strong English presence that made it so unbearable, and kicked their asses back from whence they came! BOOYAH!*
So yeah. There's that. I hope you're not feeling sublimely melancholy, or even ordinarily melancholy. Chin up on this Sunday evening, my friends! See you soon.
Disclaimer: As always, all information between the * is open and should be subjected to severe scrutiny! :P
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Future plans aka things are a-changin'!
Because of the large load of work that is being piled on me by school, and the necessity for me to spend more time studying my French so that I can pass the advanced classes I'll be taking in the fall, this blog will not be focused on as much.
There will be no post tonight, and from now on I think I'll do 1 word every day instead of two. It's time consuming more than difficult, and time is just not that abundant. I hope you understand, and I really appreciate the support you all have been giving me.
Sorry again, and I'll see you soon!
There will be no post tonight, and from now on I think I'll do 1 word every day instead of two. It's time consuming more than difficult, and time is just not that abundant. I hope you understand, and I really appreciate the support you all have been giving me.
Sorry again, and I'll see you soon!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Preternaturally Surreal aka OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?
Disclaimer: Any and all 'figuring,' done by myself using the factual information for the dates below, is subject to severe scrutiny and highly likely to be completely fictitious.
Two more words for ya! The first of which is not a word I've ever really heard in speech, but I have read it a number of times in literature, and you're likely to encounter it while reading. The second is a word I heard on the radio this morning to describe the situation in Libya, spoken by a reporter as a direct witness to the violence and chaos that is happening there right now.
Everybody ready!?
First word!
\ˌprē-tər-ˈna-chə-rəl, -ˈnach-rəl\
1 : existing outside of nature
2 : exceeding what is natural or regular : extraordinary
3 : inexplicable by ordinary means; especially : psychic
— pre·ter·nat·u·ral·ly \-ˈna-chə-rə-lē, ˈnach-rə-, ˈna-chər-\ adverb
— pre·ter·nat·u·ral·ness \-ˈna-chə-rəl-nəs, -ˈnach-rəl-\ noun
1. She has a preternatural ability to charm people.
2. There was a preternatural quiet in the house.
Synonyms: aberrant, aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, especial, exceeding, extraordinaire, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, exceptional, rare, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted
Antonyms: common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary, usual
Medieval Latin praeternaturalis, from Latin praeter naturam beyond nature
First Known Use: 1580
-February – Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor attacks Venice.
-June 6 – Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor is defeated in Friulia by Venetian forces; he is forced to sign a 3-year truce and cede several territories to Venice.
-December – Michelangelo Buonarroti begins work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Alright, you ready for some figuring?
Here's what I figure. I figure Maximilian I wanted to be a badass. You know, to make up for some other deficiencies... Well anyways, he says to his friend, "Hey, what should I do to prove to everyone that I'm super fly?" His friend says "Attack Venice! They're half-way underwater anyways." It cannot be verified by historical documents whether or not his friend said this jokingly or seriously. Or at all.
So Maximilian marches over to Venice with his army, gives the place his famous hoo-hah! one-two punch! Aaaand he fails. Hard. He's gotta give up land and stuff. In your face, MAX! Of course, he got super mad at his friend, so his friend was sent away. In his time away, he discovered that he loved to paint. Michaelangelo thought to himself, "Hey, you know what would be totally epic!? Lots of money, women, and wine! But since I can't have that, I'll just paint a ceiling." And so he did.
Second word!
adj \sə-ˈrē(-ə)l also -ˈrā-əl\
Definition of SURREAL
1 : marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream; also : unbelievable, fantastic
2 : surrealistic
— sur·re·al·i·ty \(ˌ)sə-rē-ˈa-lə-tē\ noun
— sur·re·al·ly adverb
Examples of SURREAL
1. The whole thing was completely surreal.
"Surreal" is used to describe something that would seem too fantastical to be real, but is actually happening. People often describe traumatic or extreme situations as "surreal".
Origin of SURREAL
back-formation from surrealism
First Known Use: 1937
-January 23 – In Moscow, seventeen leading Communists go on trial, accused of participating in a plot led by Leon Trotsky to overthrow Joseph Stalin's regime and assassinate its leaders.
-January 31 - The Soviet Union executes 31 people for alleged Trotskyism.
-March 21 – The first successful flying car, Waldo Waterman's Aerobile, makes its initial flight.
-April 17 – The animated short Porky's Duck Hunt, directed by Tex Avery for the Looney Tunes series, featuring the debut of Daffy Duck, is released.
So, in January 1937, some serious stuff was happening. You had the Communists killing people they used to be allies with, all because of some guy name Trotsky. No haha's there. But then! But THEN! BUT THEN! Some guy named Waldo Waterman... *snicker*... came back from the future, becasue he BUILT A FLYING CAR!! I remember I used to think that it would hit 2000 and all the rolling cars would just be flying cars the next day. I was so dumb when I was 20, Pfft! Oh, the wisdom that comes with being 21.
So this guy built a flying car to escape from the evil Trotskying Communistas at Starbucks, but he got bored on his flight, so he drew a cartoon about a pig hunting a duck. This guy had some serious issues. I mean, not only do pigs not hunt ducks, but they sure as hell don't wear flannel, either! Pigs only wear solid colors, and anyone with half a care knows that! Ridiculous.
Waldo Waterman...*snicker*... you fail at life! Except for the flying car thing. That's pretty damn sweet.
Here's to you, Waldo Waterman...*snicker*
Two more words for ya! The first of which is not a word I've ever really heard in speech, but I have read it a number of times in literature, and you're likely to encounter it while reading. The second is a word I heard on the radio this morning to describe the situation in Libya, spoken by a reporter as a direct witness to the violence and chaos that is happening there right now.
Everybody ready!?
First word!
\ˌprē-tər-ˈna-chə-rəl, -ˈnach-rəl\
1 : existing outside of nature
2 : exceeding what is natural or regular : extraordinary
3 : inexplicable by ordinary means; especially : psychic
— pre·ter·nat·u·ral·ly \-ˈna-chə-rə-lē, ˈnach-rə-, ˈna-chər-\ adverb
— pre·ter·nat·u·ral·ness \-ˈna-chə-rəl-nəs, -ˈnach-rəl-\ noun
1. She has a preternatural ability to charm people.
2. There was a preternatural quiet in the house.
Synonyms: aberrant, aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, especial, exceeding, extraordinaire, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, exceptional, rare, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted
Antonyms: common, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unexceptional, unextraordinary, usual
Medieval Latin praeternaturalis, from Latin praeter naturam beyond nature
First Known Use: 1580
-February – Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor attacks Venice.
-June 6 – Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor is defeated in Friulia by Venetian forces; he is forced to sign a 3-year truce and cede several territories to Venice.
-December – Michelangelo Buonarroti begins work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Alright, you ready for some figuring?
Here's what I figure. I figure Maximilian I wanted to be a badass. You know, to make up for some other deficiencies... Well anyways, he says to his friend, "Hey, what should I do to prove to everyone that I'm super fly?" His friend says "Attack Venice! They're half-way underwater anyways." It cannot be verified by historical documents whether or not his friend said this jokingly or seriously. Or at all.
So Maximilian marches over to Venice with his army, gives the place his famous hoo-hah! one-two punch! Aaaand he fails. Hard. He's gotta give up land and stuff. In your face, MAX! Of course, he got super mad at his friend, so his friend was sent away. In his time away, he discovered that he loved to paint. Michaelangelo thought to himself, "Hey, you know what would be totally epic!? Lots of money, women, and wine! But since I can't have that, I'll just paint a ceiling." And so he did.
Second word!
adj \sə-ˈrē(-ə)l also -ˈrā-əl\
Definition of SURREAL
1 : marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream; also : unbelievable, fantastic
2 : surrealistic
— sur·re·al·i·ty \(ˌ)sə-rē-ˈa-lə-tē\ noun
— sur·re·al·ly adverb
Examples of SURREAL
1. The whole thing was completely surreal.
"Surreal" is used to describe something that would seem too fantastical to be real, but is actually happening. People often describe traumatic or extreme situations as "surreal".
Origin of SURREAL
back-formation from surrealism
First Known Use: 1937
-January 23 – In Moscow, seventeen leading Communists go on trial, accused of participating in a plot led by Leon Trotsky to overthrow Joseph Stalin's regime and assassinate its leaders.
-January 31 - The Soviet Union executes 31 people for alleged Trotskyism.
-March 21 – The first successful flying car, Waldo Waterman's Aerobile, makes its initial flight.
-April 17 – The animated short Porky's Duck Hunt, directed by Tex Avery for the Looney Tunes series, featuring the debut of Daffy Duck, is released.
So, in January 1937, some serious stuff was happening. You had the Communists killing people they used to be allies with, all because of some guy name Trotsky. No haha's there. But then! But THEN! BUT THEN! Some guy named Waldo Waterman... *snicker*... came back from the future, becasue he BUILT A FLYING CAR!! I remember I used to think that it would hit 2000 and all the rolling cars would just be flying cars the next day. I was so dumb when I was 20, Pfft! Oh, the wisdom that comes with being 21.
So this guy built a flying car to escape from the evil Trotskying Communistas at Starbucks, but he got bored on his flight, so he drew a cartoon about a pig hunting a duck. This guy had some serious issues. I mean, not only do pigs not hunt ducks, but they sure as hell don't wear flannel, either! Pigs only wear solid colors, and anyone with half a care knows that! Ridiculous.
Waldo Waterman...*snicker*... you fail at life! Except for the flying car thing. That's pretty damn sweet.
Here's to you, Waldo Waterman...*snicker*
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Epitome of Hyperbole aka
These two words were chosen because I used the word epitome today at work, and someone didn't know what it was, so I explained it. I was then reminded of a comedy stand up routine by Brian Regan, which he titled Epitome of Hyperbole. Make sure to listen to the pronunciations on the Merriam-Webster website, and you'll find the explanation at the end more humorous.
First word!
epit·o·me noun \i-ˈpi-tə-mē\
Definition of EPITOME
1 a : a summary of a written work
b : a brief presentation or statement of something
2 : a typical or ideal example : embodiment (the British monarchy itself is the epitome of tradition — Richard Joseph)
3 : brief or miniature form —usually used with in
— ep·i·tom·ic or ep·i·tom·i·cal adjective
'The golden rule is often cited as the epitome of moral conduct: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” '
"The prestigious prep school prides itself on being widely regarded as the epitome of tradition and old-fashioned values."
Related to EPITOME
Synonyms: abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, summary, inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, résumé (or resume also resumé), roundup, rundown, run-through, sum, summa, summarization, summing-up, sum-up, synopsis, wrap-up
Origin of EPITOME
Latin, from Greek epitomē, from epitemnein to cut short, from epi- + temnein to cut — more at tome
First Known Use: 1520
*The second meaning of 'epitome' is generally the form that 'epitome' takes when being used.*
Second Word!
hy·per·bo·le noun \hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē\
Definition of HYPERBOLE
: extravagant exaggeration (as “mile-high ice-cream cones”)
— hy·per·bo·list noun
“Enough food to feed a whole army” is a common example of hyperbole.
Latin, from Greek hyperbolē excess, hyperbole, hyperbola, from hyperballein to exceed, from hyper- + ballein to throw — more at devil
First Known Use: 15th century
So, Brian Regan said that after a show once, an audience member came up and informed him that he had "literally mispronounced every word," to which Brian Regan responded, "Well, if that isn't the epi-tome of hyper-bowl..."
I cracked up when I saw it. Maybe you have to see it or hear it to truly appreciate. I know how that is sometimes. Anyways, I figured I'd give you a video clip from that stand up special, because he's hilarious and I love his stuff.
Hope you enjoyed it. Later!
First word!
epit·o·me noun \i-ˈpi-tə-mē\
Definition of EPITOME
1 a : a summary of a written work
b : a brief presentation or statement of something
2 : a typical or ideal example : embodiment (the British monarchy itself is the epitome of tradition — Richard Joseph)
3 : brief or miniature form —usually used with in
— ep·i·tom·ic or ep·i·tom·i·cal adjective
'The golden rule is often cited as the epitome of moral conduct: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” '
"The prestigious prep school prides itself on being widely regarded as the epitome of tradition and old-fashioned values."
Related to EPITOME
Synonyms: abstract, breviary, brief, capsule, conspectus, digest, encapsulation, summary, inventory, outline, précis, recap, recapitulation, résumé (or resume also resumé), roundup, rundown, run-through, sum, summa, summarization, summing-up, sum-up, synopsis, wrap-up
Origin of EPITOME
Latin, from Greek epitomē, from epitemnein to cut short, from epi- + temnein to cut — more at tome
First Known Use: 1520
*The second meaning of 'epitome' is generally the form that 'epitome' takes when being used.*
Second Word!
hy·per·bo·le noun \hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē\
Definition of HYPERBOLE
: extravagant exaggeration (as “mile-high ice-cream cones”)
— hy·per·bo·list noun
“Enough food to feed a whole army” is a common example of hyperbole.
Latin, from Greek hyperbolē excess, hyperbole, hyperbola, from hyperballein to exceed, from hyper- + ballein to throw — more at devil
First Known Use: 15th century
So, Brian Regan said that after a show once, an audience member came up and informed him that he had "literally mispronounced every word," to which Brian Regan responded, "Well, if that isn't the epi-tome of hyper-bowl..."
I cracked up when I saw it. Maybe you have to see it or hear it to truly appreciate. I know how that is sometimes. Anyways, I figured I'd give you a video clip from that stand up special, because he's hilarious and I love his stuff.
Hope you enjoyed it. Later!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ethereal Rebuke aka I got yelled at, but it lacked some oomph!
So, I Google Image searched "ethereal rebuke," and I got Mark Ruffalo. And you know, at first I thought, "What the- Why in the world did I get Mark Ruffalo? Think about though. This guy looks like he couldn't possibly give a rebuke of any substance. He's got this "I'm always a little bit high" vibe going on, and I think if someone did something wrong, he'd be more inclined to hug them than rebuke them.
Let's get the show on the road!
First word!
ethe·re·al adj \i-ˈthir-ē-əl\
Definition of ETHEREAL
1 a : of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
b : celestial, heavenly
c : unworldly, spiritual
2 a : lacking material substance : immaterial, intangible
b : marked by unusual delicacy or refinement (this smallest, most ethereal, and
daintiest of birds — William Beebe)
c : suggesting the heavens or heaven
3 : relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether
— ethe·re·al·i·ty noun
— ethe·re·al·i·za·tion noun
— ethe·re·al·ize transitive verb
— ethe·re·al·ly adverb
— ethe·re·al·ness noun
Examples of ETHEREAL
"The windows give the church an ethereal glow."
"Charisma is an ethereal attribute that every performer should have."
Synonyms: bodiless, immaterial, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied, unsubstantial
Antonyms: bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial
First Known Use of ETHEREAL
-March 27 – Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European definitely known to sight what is now the territory of the United States (specifically Florida), mistaking it for another island.
-April 2 – Juan Ponce de Leon and his expedition become the first Europeans known to visit Florida, landing somewhere on the east coast.
-December – Louis XII makes peace with the Pope and Spain.
Juan Ponce de Leon saw land in the New World for the first time, and the ethereal sensation that overcame was one of total WIN! His happiness permeated so strongly across the world that Louis XII didn't even have the heart to keep on fighting with his neighbors, Spain. And they all lived happily ever after.
What's that?
They didn't live happily ever after?
Pfft! Killjoy.
Second word!
1re·buke verb \ri-ˈbyük\
Definition of REBUKE
transitive verb
1 a : to criticize sharply : reprimand
b : to serve as a rebuke to
2 : to turn back or keep down : check
— re·buk·er noun
Examples of REBUKE
"The father was forced to rebuke his son for the careless ways he had adopted since arriving at college."
"He strongly rebuked the girl for playing with matches."
Related to REBUKE
Synonyms: admonish, chide, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off, burn one's ears, get after, get on
Antonyms: cite, commend, endorse
Origin of REBUKE
Middle English, from Anglo-French rebucher, rebouker to blunt, check, reprimand
First Known Use: 14th century
-The Scots win the Scottish Wars of Independence.
-The transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age.
-Beginning of the Renaissance in Italy.
Hooray for the Scots! They take their independence until the 1600's when James VI, King of Scots, takes the English throne. Hooray for Italy, starting the Renaissance, which was totally cool! And hooray for-
BOO to Mother Nature, for making it cold and going all Little Ice Age. I rebuke you, Mother Nature, and I dare you to do something about it!
NO! Nonononononono! I was kidding. Kidding. Joking. It was a jokey joke. I love you Nother Nature!
Don't hurt meee...
Let's get the show on the road!
First word!
ethe·re·al adj \i-ˈthir-ē-əl\
Definition of ETHEREAL
1 a : of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
b : celestial, heavenly
c : unworldly, spiritual
2 a : lacking material substance : immaterial, intangible
b : marked by unusual delicacy or refinement (this smallest, most ethereal, and
daintiest of birds — William Beebe)
c : suggesting the heavens or heaven
3 : relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether
— ethe·re·al·i·ty noun
— ethe·re·al·i·za·tion noun
— ethe·re·al·ize transitive verb
— ethe·re·al·ly adverb
— ethe·re·al·ness noun
Examples of ETHEREAL
"The windows give the church an ethereal glow."
"Charisma is an ethereal attribute that every performer should have."
Synonyms: bodiless, immaterial, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied, unsubstantial
Antonyms: bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial
First Known Use of ETHEREAL
-March 27 – Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European definitely known to sight what is now the territory of the United States (specifically Florida), mistaking it for another island.
-April 2 – Juan Ponce de Leon and his expedition become the first Europeans known to visit Florida, landing somewhere on the east coast.
-December – Louis XII makes peace with the Pope and Spain.
Juan Ponce de Leon saw land in the New World for the first time, and the ethereal sensation that overcame was one of total WIN! His happiness permeated so strongly across the world that Louis XII didn't even have the heart to keep on fighting with his neighbors, Spain. And they all lived happily ever after.
What's that?
They didn't live happily ever after?
Pfft! Killjoy.
Second word!
1re·buke verb \ri-ˈbyük\
Definition of REBUKE
transitive verb
1 a : to criticize sharply : reprimand
b : to serve as a rebuke to
2 : to turn back or keep down : check
— re·buk·er noun
Examples of REBUKE
"The father was forced to rebuke his son for the careless ways he had adopted since arriving at college."
"He strongly rebuked the girl for playing with matches."
Related to REBUKE
Synonyms: admonish, chide, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off, burn one's ears, get after, get on
Antonyms: cite, commend, endorse
Origin of REBUKE
Middle English, from Anglo-French rebucher, rebouker to blunt, check, reprimand
First Known Use: 14th century
-The Scots win the Scottish Wars of Independence.
-The transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age.
-Beginning of the Renaissance in Italy.
Hooray for the Scots! They take their independence until the 1600's when James VI, King of Scots, takes the English throne. Hooray for Italy, starting the Renaissance, which was totally cool! And hooray for-
BOO to Mother Nature, for making it cold and going all Little Ice Age. I rebuke you, Mother Nature, and I dare you to do something about it!
NO! Nonononononono! I was kidding. Kidding. Joking. It was a jokey joke. I love you Nother Nature!
Don't hurt meee...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Archaicly Pious aka Sorry, Mr. Churchman, we don't need you anymore!
Before we start, I just wanted to make a clarification. It's my fault, because I've failed to properly explain some of the words, but the one that I've seen people having trouble with was 'indubitable' and it's adverb form 'indubitably.' You can say that something is indubitable:
"Their victory was indubitable." Their victory was undoubtable.
Or, you can say that something was/is/will be 'indubitably' something else:
"Their victory was indubitably expected." In this case, 'indubitably' is modifying/describing the word 'expected.'
Hopefully that cleared up some confusion. I'm going to try to include some examples, because the last thing I want to happen is for you to use a word that I shared and have someone look at you funny, or something. :D
Let's get started.
First word!
ar·cha·ic adj \är-ˈkā-ik\
Definition of ARCHAIC
1: having the characteristics of the language of the past and surviving chiefly in specialized uses (an archaic word)
2: of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time : antiquated (archaic legal traditions)
3 capitalized : of or belonging to the early or formative phases of a culture or a period of artistic development; especially : of or belonging to the period leading up to the classical period of Greek culture
4: surviving from an earlier period; specifically : typical of a previously dominant evolutionary stage
5 capitalized : of or relating to the period from about 8000 b.c. to 1000 b.c. and the North American cultures of that time
ar·cha·i·cal·ly adverb
See archaic defined for English-language learners »
Examples of ARCHAIC
"The company needs to update its archaic computer systems."
"The man has some archaic notions about the proper social role of women."
Synonyms: antiquated, obsolete, dated, démodé, demoded, fossilized, kaput (also kaputt), medieval (also mediaeval), moribund, mossy, moth-eaten, neolithic, Noachian, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, outworn, passé, prehistoric (also prehistorical), rusty, Stone Age, superannuated
Antonym: New, modern
Origin of ARCHAIC
French or Greek; French archaïque, from Greek archaïkos, from archaios
First Known Use: 1832
- May 7 The Treaty of London creates an independent Kingdom of Greece. Otto of Wittelsbach, Prince of Bavaria is chosen King. Thus begins the history of modern Greece.
- May 11 Greece is recognized as a sovereign nation; the Treaty of Constantinople ends the Greek War of Independence in July.
-August 17 China ceases production of iron shuriken.
When the Greeks moved into the modern era, the Chinese figured out that Herakles was finally dead (or so they thought!) and decided to stop making the archaic iron shuriken, Herakles's only weakness.
Also, Herakles is the Greek name of...
Second word!
PIOUS! (so you know, pious is almost always used with regards to its religious or loyalty meanings. I don't think I've ever heard it used otherwise.)
pi·ous adj \ˈpī-əs\
Definition of PIOUS
1 a : marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship
b : marked by conspicuous religiosity
2: sacred or devotional as distinct from the profane or secular : religious
3: showing loyal reverence for a person or thing : dutiful
4 a : marked by sham or hypocrisy
b : mrked by self-conscious virtue : virtuous
5 : deserving commendation : worthy (a pious effort)
pi·ous·ly adverb
pi·ous·ness noun
Examples of PIOUS
They lived a quiet, pious life.
I'm tired of hearing politicians making pious pronouncements about their devotion to the people.
Synonyms: constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, down-the-line, fast, good, loyal, faithful, staunch (also stanch), steadfast, steady, true, true-blue
Antonyms: disloyal, faithless, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue
Middle English, from Latin pius
First Known Use: 15th century
MORE 15th CENTURY!? Damn!
-1425: Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) founded by Pope Martin V.
Clearly, this was done in an attempt to spread the "piety" that was so prevalent in the church back then.
Don't worry, though! This guy did something awesome!
-Pal Engjëlli (1416-1470) was an Albanian Catholic clergyman, Archbishop of Durrës and Cardinal of Albania who in 1462 wrote the first known sentence in Albanian.
I mean, seriously, imagine being the first person to write a sentence ever written in a language. I bet that guy was super fly for the rest of his life.
Alright! I hope you enjoyed these words. I found a few more today, since I was running out of some. I think I'm going to stick with these posts for now, because I want to do these every day and it's hard to fit the other, more broadly informational posts in, even with no school during Spring Break.
It's ridiculous how much work I have. I just want to be lethargic, but the teachers have given me an indubitably ludicrous load of homework, which is leaving an indelible mark on my time. I have the voracious urge to rant about it, but the resulting diatribe would create a cacophony. ;P
"Their victory was indubitable." Their victory was undoubtable.
Or, you can say that something was/is/will be 'indubitably' something else:
"Their victory was indubitably expected." In this case, 'indubitably' is modifying/describing the word 'expected.'
Hopefully that cleared up some confusion. I'm going to try to include some examples, because the last thing I want to happen is for you to use a word that I shared and have someone look at you funny, or something. :D
Let's get started.
First word!
ar·cha·ic adj \är-ˈkā-ik\
Definition of ARCHAIC
1: having the characteristics of the language of the past and surviving chiefly in specialized uses (an archaic word)
2: of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time : antiquated (archaic legal traditions)
3 capitalized : of or belonging to the early or formative phases of a culture or a period of artistic development; especially : of or belonging to the period leading up to the classical period of Greek culture
4: surviving from an earlier period; specifically : typical of a previously dominant evolutionary stage
5 capitalized : of or relating to the period from about 8000 b.c. to 1000 b.c. and the North American cultures of that time
ar·cha·i·cal·ly adverb
See archaic defined for English-language learners »
Examples of ARCHAIC
"The company needs to update its archaic computer systems."
"The man has some archaic notions about the proper social role of women."
Synonyms: antiquated, obsolete, dated, démodé, demoded, fossilized, kaput (also kaputt), medieval (also mediaeval), moribund, mossy, moth-eaten, neolithic, Noachian, outdated, outmoded, out-of-date, outworn, passé, prehistoric (also prehistorical), rusty, Stone Age, superannuated
Antonym: New, modern
Origin of ARCHAIC
French or Greek; French archaïque, from Greek archaïkos, from archaios
First Known Use: 1832
- May 7 The Treaty of London creates an independent Kingdom of Greece. Otto of Wittelsbach, Prince of Bavaria is chosen King. Thus begins the history of modern Greece.
- May 11 Greece is recognized as a sovereign nation; the Treaty of Constantinople ends the Greek War of Independence in July.
-August 17 China ceases production of iron shuriken.
When the Greeks moved into the modern era, the Chinese figured out that Herakles was finally dead (or so they thought!) and decided to stop making the archaic iron shuriken, Herakles's only weakness.
Also, Herakles is the Greek name of...
Second word!
PIOUS! (so you know, pious is almost always used with regards to its religious or loyalty meanings. I don't think I've ever heard it used otherwise.)
pi·ous adj \ˈpī-əs\
Definition of PIOUS
1 a : marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship
b : marked by conspicuous religiosity
2: sacred or devotional as distinct from the profane or secular : religious
3: showing loyal reverence for a person or thing : dutiful
4 a : marked by sham or hypocrisy
b : mrked by self-conscious virtue : virtuous
5 : deserving commendation : worthy (a pious effort)
pi·ous·ly adverb
pi·ous·ness noun
Examples of PIOUS
They lived a quiet, pious life.
I'm tired of hearing politicians making pious pronouncements about their devotion to the people.
Synonyms: constant, dedicated, devoted, devout, down-the-line, fast, good, loyal, faithful, staunch (also stanch), steadfast, steady, true, true-blue
Antonyms: disloyal, faithless, false, fickle, inconstant, perfidious, recreant, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, untrue
Middle English, from Latin pius
First Known Use: 15th century
MORE 15th CENTURY!? Damn!
-1425: Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) founded by Pope Martin V.
Clearly, this was done in an attempt to spread the "piety" that was so prevalent in the church back then.
Don't worry, though! This guy did something awesome!
-Pal Engjëlli (1416-1470) was an Albanian Catholic clergyman, Archbishop of Durrës and Cardinal of Albania who in 1462 wrote the first known sentence in Albanian.
I mean, seriously, imagine being the first person to write a sentence ever written in a language. I bet that guy was super fly for the rest of his life.
Alright! I hope you enjoyed these words. I found a few more today, since I was running out of some. I think I'm going to stick with these posts for now, because I want to do these every day and it's hard to fit the other, more broadly informational posts in, even with no school during Spring Break.
It's ridiculous how much work I have. I just want to be lethargic, but the teachers have given me an indubitably ludicrous load of homework, which is leaving an indelible mark on my time. I have the voracious urge to rant about it, but the resulting diatribe would create a cacophony. ;P
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Indubitably Indelible aka I'm not going anywhere, punks!
Hey everybody!
Today is gonna be two words that start with i. Don't ask me why, it just is! The first word is a favorite of mine because it's so damn fun to say. The second is a word I've heard quite a few times in various situations, though not in everyday conversation, and I have never really used it myself.
All facts about dates are taken from Wikipedia, so they are potentially subject to correction. For the most part, these scholarly articles tend to be accurate, so I'm taking it at face value.
As always, I appreciate those of you who continue to read and comment. Let's get started!
First word!
INDUBITABLE! (Usually used in the form of indubitably!)
in·du·bi·ta·ble adj \(ˌ)in-ˈdü-bə-tə-bəl, -ˈdyü-\
Definition of INDUBITABLE
: too evident to be doubted : unquestionable
— in·du·bi·ta·bil·i·ty noun
— in·du·bi·ta·ble·ness noun
— in·du·bi·ta·bly adverb
Synonyms: accomplished, certain, inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable, irrefragable, positive, sure, unanswerable, unarguable, unchallengeable, undeniable, unquestionable
Antonyms: answerable, arguable, contradictable, controvertible, debatable, disputable, doubtable, moot, negotiable, problematic (also problematical), questionable, refutable
Middle English indubitabyll, from Latin indubitabilis, from in- + dubitabilis dubitable
First Known Use: 15th century
-1429: Joan of Arc ends the Siege of Orléans and turns the tide of the Hundred Years' War.
-1450s: Machu Picchu constructed.
-1453: The Fall of Constantinople marks the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Growth of the Ottoman Empire.
-1492: Columbus lands in the New World.
See, here's what I figure happened. Joan of Arc changes the course of history, and the folks over in South America said, "Hey, did you hear about Joan? She's so cool, isn't she? We should build something awesome!" At or around which point, Constantinople got tired of being a center of civilization, and was like "Me? Keep on being a city? Naaah! Besides, the Inca are building that awesome Machu Picchu. I'm done!"
Disclaimer: The author makes no claim that any of these things are actually in any way related...but a man can dream, can't he!?
OH YEAH! Then, Christopher Columbus landed in the New World because he thought he could swoop around and get to India. There he was, just sailing and minding his own business, when the New World just jumped out and said, "Heeeeyyy, Chriiiis. :D How's it going?"
Chris Columbus was all, "Fine. I'm just gonna go around. Later."
"Wait, Chris! Haven't I introduced you to my friends, Central and South America? Say hi!"
And then he was stuck. Poor guy never got to India.
No disclaimer necessary, this is indubitably EXACTLY HOW IT HAPPENED!
Second word!
in·del·i·ble adj \in-ˈde-lə-bəl\
Definition of INDELIBLE
1 a : that cannot be removed, washed away, or erased
b : making marks that cannot easily be removed "an indelible pencil"
2 a : lasting
b : unforgettable, memorable "an indelible performance"
— in·del·i·bil·i·ty noun
— in·del·i·bly adverb
See indelible defined for English-language learners »
Synonyms: unforgettable, memorable
Antonyms: forgettable
Middle English indelyble, from Medieval Latin indelibilis, alteration of Latin indelebilis, from in- + delēre to delete
First Known Use: 15th century
15th Century! Again!
-1403: The Yongle Emperor moves the capital of China from Nanjing to Beijing.
-1405–1433: Zheng He (Chinese eunuch admiral and explorer (1371–1433)) sails through the Indian Ocean to India, Arabia, and East Africa.
-1420: Construction of the Chinese Forbidden City is completed in Beijing.
-Although pioneered earlier in Korea and by the Chinese official Wang Zhen (with tin), bronze metal movable type printing is created in China by Hua Sui in 1490.
Okay, so there was a lot of interesting stuff happening for China in this century. Lots of movement in the Empire, exploration and construction for the advancement of Chinese greatness, and even movable type! Clearly so they could write about how awesome they were, etc. And yes, that Chinese explorer was a eunuch. Which means he didn't have a penis.
Talk about an indelible mark on your life! XO
So if you're super cool, and you want everyone to know that you're legit, the best thing you can do is be indubitably indelible! That way, no matter what happens, evidence of your heavy amounts of win will be evident for a long long time!
I started another new blog. I know, ANOTHER? This one I wanted to do because I miss my favorite old channel IMF: International Music Feed, which introduced me to so many great artists from around the world. And that's what the blog is, a music blog showing people all sorts of music from all genres from all countries around the world. You may like some, you may dislike some, you may love or hate some. At least you'll be able to more acutely figure out what it is that you enjoy!
The new blog is called World Music Mix! Hope to see you there.
Today is gonna be two words that start with i. Don't ask me why, it just is! The first word is a favorite of mine because it's so damn fun to say. The second is a word I've heard quite a few times in various situations, though not in everyday conversation, and I have never really used it myself.
All facts about dates are taken from Wikipedia, so they are potentially subject to correction. For the most part, these scholarly articles tend to be accurate, so I'm taking it at face value.
As always, I appreciate those of you who continue to read and comment. Let's get started!
First word!
INDUBITABLE! (Usually used in the form of indubitably!)
in·du·bi·ta·ble adj \(ˌ)in-ˈdü-bə-tə-bəl, -ˈdyü-\
Definition of INDUBITABLE
: too evident to be doubted : unquestionable
— in·du·bi·ta·bil·i·ty noun
— in·du·bi·ta·ble·ness noun
— in·du·bi·ta·bly adverb
Synonyms: accomplished, certain, inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable, irrefragable, positive, sure, unanswerable, unarguable, unchallengeable, undeniable, unquestionable
Antonyms: answerable, arguable, contradictable, controvertible, debatable, disputable, doubtable, moot, negotiable, problematic (also problematical), questionable, refutable
Middle English indubitabyll, from Latin indubitabilis, from in- + dubitabilis dubitable
First Known Use: 15th century
-1429: Joan of Arc ends the Siege of Orléans and turns the tide of the Hundred Years' War.
-1450s: Machu Picchu constructed.
-1453: The Fall of Constantinople marks the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Growth of the Ottoman Empire.
-1492: Columbus lands in the New World.
See, here's what I figure happened. Joan of Arc changes the course of history, and the folks over in South America said, "Hey, did you hear about Joan? She's so cool, isn't she? We should build something awesome!" At or around which point, Constantinople got tired of being a center of civilization, and was like "Me? Keep on being a city? Naaah! Besides, the Inca are building that awesome Machu Picchu. I'm done!"
Disclaimer: The author makes no claim that any of these things are actually in any way related...but a man can dream, can't he!?
OH YEAH! Then, Christopher Columbus landed in the New World because he thought he could swoop around and get to India. There he was, just sailing and minding his own business, when the New World just jumped out and said, "Heeeeyyy, Chriiiis. :D How's it going?"
Chris Columbus was all, "Fine. I'm just gonna go around. Later."
"Wait, Chris! Haven't I introduced you to my friends, Central and South America? Say hi!"
And then he was stuck. Poor guy never got to India.
No disclaimer necessary, this is indubitably EXACTLY HOW IT HAPPENED!
Second word!
in·del·i·ble adj \in-ˈde-lə-bəl\
Definition of INDELIBLE
1 a : that cannot be removed, washed away, or erased
b : making marks that cannot easily be removed "an indelible pencil"
2 a : lasting
b : unforgettable, memorable "an indelible performance"
— in·del·i·bil·i·ty noun
— in·del·i·bly adverb
See indelible defined for English-language learners »
Synonyms: unforgettable, memorable
Antonyms: forgettable
Middle English indelyble, from Medieval Latin indelibilis, alteration of Latin indelebilis, from in- + delēre to delete
First Known Use: 15th century
15th Century! Again!
-1403: The Yongle Emperor moves the capital of China from Nanjing to Beijing.
-1405–1433: Zheng He (Chinese eunuch admiral and explorer (1371–1433)) sails through the Indian Ocean to India, Arabia, and East Africa.
-1420: Construction of the Chinese Forbidden City is completed in Beijing.
-Although pioneered earlier in Korea and by the Chinese official Wang Zhen (with tin), bronze metal movable type printing is created in China by Hua Sui in 1490.
Okay, so there was a lot of interesting stuff happening for China in this century. Lots of movement in the Empire, exploration and construction for the advancement of Chinese greatness, and even movable type! Clearly so they could write about how awesome they were, etc. And yes, that Chinese explorer was a eunuch. Which means he didn't have a penis.
Talk about an indelible mark on your life! XO
So if you're super cool, and you want everyone to know that you're legit, the best thing you can do is be indubitably indelible! That way, no matter what happens, evidence of your heavy amounts of win will be evident for a long long time!
I started another new blog. I know, ANOTHER? This one I wanted to do because I miss my favorite old channel IMF: International Music Feed, which introduced me to so many great artists from around the world. And that's what the blog is, a music blog showing people all sorts of music from all genres from all countries around the world. You may like some, you may dislike some, you may love or hate some. At least you'll be able to more acutely figure out what it is that you enjoy!
The new blog is called World Music Mix! Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Japan aka What is this- I don't even...!
That's what we're talking about today. Yes, it's because of what's happening over there right now. I figured with all the problems they're having, it's time to spew out some information about Japan, why it's super cool, and why it fascinates us!
Japan has been mentioned in writing from as early as the first century AD, but it has had inhabitants since at least 30,000 BCE. So for 30,000 years, they just chilled on this island. Preeeettttty sneaky! Perhaps leading to the reputation for being ninjas. Just a thought!
Japan is know as the "Land of the Rising Sun," and even the Japanese names for the country, Nihon or Nippon, mean 'sun-origin.' The flag of Japan is a red circle on a white background to symbolize the sun!
Japan is an economic powerhouse! It's the 3rd largest economy in the world, and with the 10th largest population in the world, at 127 million, it has massive buying power. That's right, the equivalent 2/5 of the population of the United States is able to fit on that chain of islands in the Pacific. Must be cramped! SARDINES!
Or, I thought it would be, until I read this. According to the internetz, Japan consists of 6,852 islands! :[________] WAAAAAAAT!? (<<--That's my face in case you're wondering.)
Culturally, Japan is one of the most unique and original societies in the world. It has given the world origami, the art of paper folding, as well as manga, Japanese comic books. There is also an entire genre of music that makes a fashion statement. I give you, Visual Kei:
And yes, ALL of those are men. All of them.
All of them.
Even the pretty one on the right.
There are amazing technologies coming out of Japan every day, and many of the cutting edge designs of the future originate in the Land of the Rising Sun!
The voting age for Japan is 20, and it's universal suffrage. Japan is split up into what are call prefectures. They're like states and they contain smaller administrative districts. They have governors and legislative and judicial bodies.
The largest city in Japan is Tokyo, with an official population of around 8 million. However, it has the largest Metropolitan population at 32 million people! WOW! With that in mind, living in Tokyo is very expensive, and the public transport costs are some of the steepest in the world, and living quarters are cramped for the most part.
Baseball is very popular in Japan, and the nation has what is probably the second or third most popular professional baseball league in the world! That is based on the assumption that the MLB in the US is the most popular.
A large, LARGE majority of Japanese are Buddhists or Shintoists. Something like 85-95%.
Possibly linked to this, is the fact that Japan has the second lowest homicide rate in the world, including attempted homicide! They are second only to Singapore.
That's kind of random.
ANYWAYS! Despite this fact, they do have a fairly high suicide rate, when compared to the rest of the world. Japanese society is very competitive, and the stress levels can be quite elevated much of the time. There are high expectations for the citizens, especially the youth who are trying to break into the job market.
Sad, but true fact.
But hey, just think about it. Japan has all these amazing other things. A fantastic culture, wonderful food, kind people who don't kill each other, a government that takes care of you!
It is certainly a dream of mine to visit Japan and spend some time taking in the culture and the beauty.
I'll be keeping Japan and the Japanese people in my thoughts and heart in this time of difficulty, and I hope you'll do the same.
For more information on Japan!
Voraciously Lethargic aka I really really want to be lazy.
First word!
vo·ra·cious adj \vȯ-ˈrā-shəs, və-\
Definition of VORACIOUS
1: having a huge appetite : ravenous
2: excessively eager : insatiable (a voracious reader)
— vo·ra·cious·ly adverb
— vo·ra·cious·ness noun
Synonyms: edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, hoggish, piggish, rapacious, ravenous, swinish
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic
Origins of VORACIOUS
Latin vorac-, vorax, from vorare to devour; akin to Old English ācweorran to guzzle, Latin gurges whirlpool, Greek bibrōskein to devour
First Known Use: 1635
-France declares war on Spain.
-The Académie française in Paris is formally constituted as the national academy for the preservation of the French language.
-Guadeloupe and Martinique are colonized by France.
-Dominica is claimed by France.
France said to itself, "Hey France! Wouldn't it be awesome if we had more territory?" "Why yes, France, it would!" "And wouldn't it be awesome if we had a way to make sure that French stayed around for a long time?" "That'd be totally sweet!" (In French, of course.) So France voraciously pursued a policy of what they may or may not have called 'Operation Win!'
Second word!
le·thar·gic adj \lə-ˈthär-jik, le-\
Definition of LETHARGIC
1: of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish
2: indifferent, apathetic
— le·thar·gi·cal·ly adverb
Synonyms: dull, inert, inactive, quiescent, sleepy, sluggish, torpid
Antonyms: active
(see lethargy)
First Known Use: 14th century
14th Century!
-The Hundred Years' War begins when Edward III of England lays claim to the French throne in 1337.
-The Lollardy movement rises in England.
-Peasants' Revolt in England.
Not sure what everyone else was doing, but the English were sure as hell NOT being lethargic. They were being movers and shakers. Hell, the fought a war for a hundred years! Top that, France!
What's that? The French ALSO fought for a hundred years?
Shut up.
I was reminded of Voracious by Shelby Fox who used the word in a post of hers, my grandma provided lethargic yesterday. Thanks to everyone who is still reading and enjoying. Gonna work on a new information post tonight. Still haven't decided on a topic, so if you wanna see something specific, and you comment before I get started, I'll use it. If you'd like to be surprised, that's cool, too. Alright, see ya soon!
vo·ra·cious adj \vȯ-ˈrā-shəs, və-\
Definition of VORACIOUS
1: having a huge appetite : ravenous
2: excessively eager : insatiable (a voracious reader)
— vo·ra·cious·ly adverb
— vo·ra·cious·ness noun
Synonyms: edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, hoggish, piggish, rapacious, ravenous, swinish
Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, uneager, unenthusiastic
Origins of VORACIOUS
Latin vorac-, vorax, from vorare to devour; akin to Old English ācweorran to guzzle, Latin gurges whirlpool, Greek bibrōskein to devour
First Known Use: 1635
-France declares war on Spain.
-The Académie française in Paris is formally constituted as the national academy for the preservation of the French language.
-Guadeloupe and Martinique are colonized by France.
-Dominica is claimed by France.
France said to itself, "Hey France! Wouldn't it be awesome if we had more territory?" "Why yes, France, it would!" "And wouldn't it be awesome if we had a way to make sure that French stayed around for a long time?" "That'd be totally sweet!" (In French, of course.) So France voraciously pursued a policy of what they may or may not have called 'Operation Win!'
Second word!
le·thar·gic adj \lə-ˈthär-jik, le-\
Definition of LETHARGIC
1: of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish
2: indifferent, apathetic
— le·thar·gi·cal·ly adverb
Synonyms: dull, inert, inactive, quiescent, sleepy, sluggish, torpid
Antonyms: active
(see lethargy)
First Known Use: 14th century
14th Century!
-The Hundred Years' War begins when Edward III of England lays claim to the French throne in 1337.
-The Lollardy movement rises in England.
-Peasants' Revolt in England.
Not sure what everyone else was doing, but the English were sure as hell NOT being lethargic. They were being movers and shakers. Hell, the fought a war for a hundred years! Top that, France!
What's that? The French ALSO fought for a hundred years?
Shut up.
I was reminded of Voracious by Shelby Fox who used the word in a post of hers, my grandma provided lethargic yesterday. Thanks to everyone who is still reading and enjoying. Gonna work on a new information post tonight. Still haven't decided on a topic, so if you wanna see something specific, and you comment before I get started, I'll use it. If you'd like to be surprised, that's cool, too. Alright, see ya soon!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Cacophonous ludicrous diatribe aka Loud crazy people should shut up now!
Good evening ladies and gents! Thank you to all of you who have been reading and enjoying this new blog. Please let me know if there are words you've heard or topics you'd like talked about on here, and I'd be happy to do my best to address them. Or undress them. Which ever you prefer, because I'm okay with either!
First word!
ca·coph·o·ny noun \ka-ˈkä-fə-nē, -ˈkȯ- also -ˈka-\
plural ca·coph·o·nies
Definition of CACOPHONY
: harsh or discordant sound : dissonance
2; specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases
(see cacophonous)
Synonyms: babel, blare, bluster, bowwow, brawl, bruit [archaic], noise, chatter, clamor, clangor, decibel(s), din, discordance, katzenjammer, racket, rattle, roar
Antonyms: quiet, silence, silentness, still, stillness
First Known Use: circa 1656
Related to CACOPHONY
-The Stockholm Banco, the first bank to issue banknotes, is founded.
-The only Fifty Shilling British coin is minted.
-Konoike Zen'amon (son of Konoike Shinroku) founds a baking and money-changing business in Osaka.
Some poor sap got tired of the sudden sound of coins and money going jangle jangle all over the place and screamed out, "What is all this cacophony!? Oooh, heyyy, I just made up a new word! I'm so awesome. SHUT THE HELL UP WITH THAT MONEY!"
Second word!
lu·di·crous adj \ˈlü-də-krəs\
Definition of LUDICROUS
1: amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity
2: meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish
— lu·di·crous·ly adverb
— lu·di·crous·ness noun
Synonyms: antic, chucklesome, comedic, comic, comical, droll, farcical, hilarious, humoristic, humorous, hysterical (also hysteric), killing, laughable, funny, ridiculous, riotous, risible, screaming, sidesplitting, uproarious
Antonyms: humorless, lame, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny, unhumorous, unhysterical
Latin ludicrus, from ludus play, sport; perhaps akin to Greek loidoros abusive
First Known Use: 1712
The birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau! He wrote Émile; or On Education, and important treatise on the education system. Those buttheads in power in Paris and Geneva thought his ideas were LUDICROUS and the book was publicly burned in 1762. And then, when the French Revolution rolled around, the book was used to inspire major changes in the education system. Take THAT you stuffy, old, and likely beheaded or otherwise dead, bastards!
Third word!
di·a·tribe noun \ˈdī-ə-ˌtrīb\
Definition of DIATRIBE
1 archaic : a prolonged discourse
2 : a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing
3 : ironic or satirical criticism
Synonyms: tirade, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant
(I've just realized that many of the words that are listed as synonyms for these words are also advanced words. Some of them I don't know. Just look at it as an opportunity to learn multiple words at a time.)
Origin of DIATRIBE
Latin diatriba, from Greek diatribē pastime, discourse, from diatribein to spend (time), wear away, from dia- + tribein to rub — more at throw
First Known Use: 1581
-The English Parliament outlaws Roman Catholicism.
-Public worship for catholics in the Netherlands is officially forbidden.
-Nicholas Sanders, English Catholic propagandist, dies.
Upon hearing the news about the various places outlawing Catholicism, Nicholas Sanders went on a lengthy diatribe that lasted most of the year until his lungs simply refused to work any longer. The poor chap lost his life at the age of 51.
Disclaimer: All facts are freely subject to scrutiny, and the author, in cases of obvious foolishness, does not hold the aforementioned stories to be true. They might be, though!
Alright, so these words aren't used often, but they are not obscure either. If you use them, most educated folks, or people who are well read, will know what you're talking about. That is an assumption I'm making. I can't really speak for most people because I am finding more and more often that even at the university level, it's hit or miss.
If I use a word or phrase in my writing that baffles you, which may happen if it is an idiom or uncommon word, and you'd like it clarified, don't hesitate to ask, and I'll do my best to make it clear. My grandma said that a method she always found very helpful for remembering words was using them in three different sentences, and the word will stick strongly in your mind. Thanks again to those of you who are showing a genuine interest.
First word!
ca·coph·o·ny noun \ka-ˈkä-fə-nē, -ˈkȯ- also -ˈka-\
plural ca·coph·o·nies
Definition of CACOPHONY
: harsh or discordant sound : dissonance
2; specifically : harshness in the sound of words or phrases
(see cacophonous)
Synonyms: babel, blare, bluster, bowwow, brawl, bruit [archaic], noise, chatter, clamor, clangor, decibel(s), din, discordance, katzenjammer, racket, rattle, roar
Antonyms: quiet, silence, silentness, still, stillness
First Known Use: circa 1656
Related to CACOPHONY
-The Stockholm Banco, the first bank to issue banknotes, is founded.
-The only Fifty Shilling British coin is minted.
-Konoike Zen'amon (son of Konoike Shinroku) founds a baking and money-changing business in Osaka.
Some poor sap got tired of the sudden sound of coins and money going jangle jangle all over the place and screamed out, "What is all this cacophony!? Oooh, heyyy, I just made up a new word! I'm so awesome. SHUT THE HELL UP WITH THAT MONEY!"
Second word!
lu·di·crous adj \ˈlü-də-krəs\
Definition of LUDICROUS
1: amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity
2: meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish
— lu·di·crous·ly adverb
— lu·di·crous·ness noun
Synonyms: antic, chucklesome, comedic, comic, comical, droll, farcical, hilarious, humoristic, humorous, hysterical (also hysteric), killing, laughable, funny, ridiculous, riotous, risible, screaming, sidesplitting, uproarious
Antonyms: humorless, lame, unamusing, uncomic, unfunny, unhumorous, unhysterical
Latin ludicrus, from ludus play, sport; perhaps akin to Greek loidoros abusive
First Known Use: 1712
The birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau! He wrote Émile; or On Education, and important treatise on the education system. Those buttheads in power in Paris and Geneva thought his ideas were LUDICROUS and the book was publicly burned in 1762. And then, when the French Revolution rolled around, the book was used to inspire major changes in the education system. Take THAT you stuffy, old, and likely beheaded or otherwise dead, bastards!
Third word!
di·a·tribe noun \ˈdī-ə-ˌtrīb\
Definition of DIATRIBE
1 archaic : a prolonged discourse
2 : a bitter and abusive speech or piece of writing
3 : ironic or satirical criticism
Synonyms: tirade, harangue, jeremiad, philippic, rant
(I've just realized that many of the words that are listed as synonyms for these words are also advanced words. Some of them I don't know. Just look at it as an opportunity to learn multiple words at a time.)
Origin of DIATRIBE
Latin diatriba, from Greek diatribē pastime, discourse, from diatribein to spend (time), wear away, from dia- + tribein to rub — more at throw
First Known Use: 1581
-The English Parliament outlaws Roman Catholicism.
-Public worship for catholics in the Netherlands is officially forbidden.
-Nicholas Sanders, English Catholic propagandist, dies.
Upon hearing the news about the various places outlawing Catholicism, Nicholas Sanders went on a lengthy diatribe that lasted most of the year until his lungs simply refused to work any longer. The poor chap lost his life at the age of 51.
Disclaimer: All facts are freely subject to scrutiny, and the author, in cases of obvious foolishness, does not hold the aforementioned stories to be true. They might be, though!
Alright, so these words aren't used often, but they are not obscure either. If you use them, most educated folks, or people who are well read, will know what you're talking about. That is an assumption I'm making. I can't really speak for most people because I am finding more and more often that even at the university level, it's hit or miss.
If I use a word or phrase in my writing that baffles you, which may happen if it is an idiom or uncommon word, and you'd like it clarified, don't hesitate to ask, and I'll do my best to make it clear. My grandma said that a method she always found very helpful for remembering words was using them in three different sentences, and the word will stick strongly in your mind. Thanks again to those of you who are showing a genuine interest.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Translucent Gubernatorial Longevity aka Discovering the secrets of really old politicians!
Alright, everyone. Day two of the words. Let's get into it.
First word!
trans·lu·cent adj \-sənt\
Definition of TRANSLUCENT
: permitting the passage of light:
a : clear, transparent
b : transmitting and diffusing light so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly
: free from disguise or falseness
— trans·lu·cent·ly adverb
Latin translucent-, translucens, present participle of translucēre to shine through, from trans- + lucēre to shine — more at light
First Known Use: 1607
1607, Jamestown is established. First town in the United States. Not sure what that has to do with light shining through, but let's just pretend it does.
Jebediah Hobbleward of England proclaimed, "The light of civilization shows through the translucent veil of savagery that is the New World..."
Wow, that sentence is rife with stereotyping, ethnocentrism, and whatever other bad word you can come up with to describe it. That Jebediah fellow was a jerk!
Second word!
lon·gev·i·ty noun \län-ˈje-və-tē, lȯn-\
Definition of LONGEVITY
a : a long duration of individual life
b : length of life (a study of longevity)
2 : long continuance : permanence, durability
Late Latin longaevitas, from Latin longaevus long-lived, from longus long + aevum age — more at aye
First Known Use: 1615
Jebediah Hobbleward, being a devoted settler, had begun reciting a poem in 1607 on the glory of the exploration and settlement of the New World. Due to respiratory longevity and a mysterious combination of voodoo, witchcraft, and vampirism, he did not stop reciting that poem until his death in 1615.
Good god.
Third word!
gu·ber·na·to·ri·al adj
\ˌgü-bə(r)-nə-ˈtȯr-ē-əl, ˌgyü-, ˌgu̇-\
: of or relating to a governor
Latin gubernator governor, steersman, from gubernare to govern — more at govern
First Known Use: 1734
The gubernatorial race was extremely contentious in 1734, and the two candidates for governor were both quite popular with the people and expected to garner a large chunk of votes. However, in the end, the winner ended up being the great-grandson of the long forgotten Jebediah Hobbleward.
JEBEDIAH!? Goddamnit, dude, get out of my blog! Where's the number for that exorcist? I mean seriously.
Alright, while I try to remove some weird ghost from my hard drive, you children stay safe. Hopefully you enjoyed the words and the post. Do you have a favorite word that, for some reason, has stuck with you all these years?
Lat- My favorite word, or words rather, are Jebediah and Hobbleward.
First word!
trans·lu·cent adj \-sənt\
Definition of TRANSLUCENT
: permitting the passage of light:
a : clear, transparent
b : transmitting and diffusing light so that objects beyond cannot be seen clearly
: free from disguise or falseness
— trans·lu·cent·ly adverb
Latin translucent-, translucens, present participle of translucēre to shine through, from trans- + lucēre to shine — more at light
First Known Use: 1607
1607, Jamestown is established. First town in the United States. Not sure what that has to do with light shining through, but let's just pretend it does.
Jebediah Hobbleward of England proclaimed, "The light of civilization shows through the translucent veil of savagery that is the New World..."
Wow, that sentence is rife with stereotyping, ethnocentrism, and whatever other bad word you can come up with to describe it. That Jebediah fellow was a jerk!
Second word!
lon·gev·i·ty noun \län-ˈje-və-tē, lȯn-\
Definition of LONGEVITY
a : a long duration of individual life
b : length of life (a study of longevity)
2 : long continuance : permanence, durability
Late Latin longaevitas, from Latin longaevus long-lived, from longus long + aevum age — more at aye
First Known Use: 1615
Jebediah Hobbleward, being a devoted settler, had begun reciting a poem in 1607 on the glory of the exploration and settlement of the New World. Due to respiratory longevity and a mysterious combination of voodoo, witchcraft, and vampirism, he did not stop reciting that poem until his death in 1615.
Good god.
Third word!
gu·ber·na·to·ri·al adj
\ˌgü-bə(r)-nə-ˈtȯr-ē-əl, ˌgyü-, ˌgu̇-\
: of or relating to a governor
Latin gubernator governor, steersman, from gubernare to govern — more at govern
First Known Use: 1734
The gubernatorial race was extremely contentious in 1734, and the two candidates for governor were both quite popular with the people and expected to garner a large chunk of votes. However, in the end, the winner ended up being the great-grandson of the long forgotten Jebediah Hobbleward.
JEBEDIAH!? Goddamnit, dude, get out of my blog! Where's the number for that exorcist? I mean seriously.
Alright, while I try to remove some weird ghost from my hard drive, you children stay safe. Hopefully you enjoyed the words and the post. Do you have a favorite word that, for some reason, has stuck with you all these years?
Lat- My favorite word, or words rather, are Jebediah and Hobbleward.
Gold aka You should have invested in this!
Hau is everybody doing!? (See what I did there? No? You will.)
That's nice. Let's talk about gold! You know, the awesome, valuable, malleable, yellow-but-not-really-yellow metal that's worth lots of money and getting more expensive by the minute? That stuff!
Oh man, I bet you're thinking to yourself, why didn't I invest in gold!? Why didn't I listen to those annoying infomercials that told me how super smart it would be to invest in gold!?
Oh well. It's too late now. To make up for it, why don't I tell you about it, so the next time you hear people talking about investing in it, you can say "Hey! Wanna hear all the interesting information I learned about GOLD!?"
And they can say, "No."
Let's get started!
On the periodic table (see below), gold is represented by the symbol Au. (Do you see now what I did? :D Lame? Eh, whatever.) The Au comes from the Latin word for gold, which is 'aurum'.
The Atomic number, the number of Protons in the nucleus, is like an ID number for the element, and also determines where it goes on the table. Gold is at the 79th level of win, in the elemental championship! You can use this number and subtract it from the mass number, the big one at the bottom, to figure out how many neutrons are in the nucleus. If you're desperate to know just how neutral an element is. You know, in case of an element war, or something.
Or something. >.>
Gold has been super popular since the beginning of recorded history. That's over 8000 years! Gold's got that longevity going for it. It's been used as currency and as a currency backer for a hell of a long time in many different cultures.
Humans have mined over 165,000 tonnes of it in the course of human history. Holy crap!
Gold is also the most malleable of all metals, making it extremely workable and possibly explaining its popularity as a focus for jewelry. That, and the fact that it's really shiny! In fact, if beaten enough, gold can be come so thin as to be translucent. That means light gets through. Whaaaaat!?
Gold quality is measured in carats. Not carats like with the weight of a diamond. This runs by percentage. Don't get those two confused. The scale of karats runs as follows:
24 karat = 100% gold
Too soft for jewelry
22 karat = 91.7% gold
Very soft — not recommended for jewelry
18 karat = 75.0% gold
Recommended for fine jewelry
14 karat = 58.3% gold
Recommended for jewelry
12 karat = 50.0% gold
Not acceptable for jewelry
10 karat = 41.7% gold
The legal karat limit considered as real gold in the United States
*chart provided by*
So, in order to be called real gold, 41.7% of the metal must be gold. Just like 40% of Taco Bell's 'meat product' must be actual meat. How's that working out for ya, Taco Bell?
Gold jewelry pieces have been around for about 6000 years, and has served as a means of demonstrating power, wealth, or love ever since.
Our malleable metal friend has occurred in stories and legends throughout history, with such stories as Jason, the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece, and King Midas whose touch could turn anything to gold.
Totally cool! Except...
I wonder if he was the original Goldmember! O__O
Believe it or not, many civilizations used Gold medicinally to treat a number of ailments(!). It was so beautiful, it just had to be good for you! Oh, if only.
Interestingly enough, however, gold in a salt form can help with inflammation, and injectable gold is used to help the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis.
Ain't that some shit!
So remember kiddies, gold is amazing! Just don't eat it for a head ache, or you might not ever feel anything again. Heavy metal poisoning is a doozy!!
The other faces of gold:
And last, but certainly not least:
Sites referenced:
That's nice. Let's talk about gold! You know, the awesome, valuable, malleable, yellow-but-not-really-yellow metal that's worth lots of money and getting more expensive by the minute? That stuff!
Oh man, I bet you're thinking to yourself, why didn't I invest in gold!? Why didn't I listen to those annoying infomercials that told me how super smart it would be to invest in gold!?
Oh well. It's too late now. To make up for it, why don't I tell you about it, so the next time you hear people talking about investing in it, you can say "Hey! Wanna hear all the interesting information I learned about GOLD!?"
And they can say, "No."
Let's get started!
On the periodic table (see below), gold is represented by the symbol Au. (Do you see now what I did? :D Lame? Eh, whatever.) The Au comes from the Latin word for gold, which is 'aurum'.
The Atomic number, the number of Protons in the nucleus, is like an ID number for the element, and also determines where it goes on the table. Gold is at the 79th level of win, in the elemental championship! You can use this number and subtract it from the mass number, the big one at the bottom, to figure out how many neutrons are in the nucleus. If you're desperate to know just how neutral an element is. You know, in case of an element war, or something.
Or something. >.>
Gold has been super popular since the beginning of recorded history. That's over 8000 years! Gold's got that longevity going for it. It's been used as currency and as a currency backer for a hell of a long time in many different cultures.
Humans have mined over 165,000 tonnes of it in the course of human history. Holy crap!
Gold is also the most malleable of all metals, making it extremely workable and possibly explaining its popularity as a focus for jewelry. That, and the fact that it's really shiny! In fact, if beaten enough, gold can be come so thin as to be translucent. That means light gets through. Whaaaaat!?
Gold quality is measured in carats. Not carats like with the weight of a diamond. This runs by percentage. Don't get those two confused. The scale of karats runs as follows:
24 karat = 100% gold
Too soft for jewelry
22 karat = 91.7% gold
Very soft — not recommended for jewelry
18 karat = 75.0% gold
Recommended for fine jewelry
14 karat = 58.3% gold
Recommended for jewelry
12 karat = 50.0% gold
Not acceptable for jewelry
10 karat = 41.7% gold
The legal karat limit considered as real gold in the United States
*chart provided by*
So, in order to be called real gold, 41.7% of the metal must be gold. Just like 40% of Taco Bell's 'meat product' must be actual meat. How's that working out for ya, Taco Bell?
Gold jewelry pieces have been around for about 6000 years, and has served as a means of demonstrating power, wealth, or love ever since.
Our malleable metal friend has occurred in stories and legends throughout history, with such stories as Jason, the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece, and King Midas whose touch could turn anything to gold.
Totally cool! Except...
I wonder if he was the original Goldmember! O__O
Believe it or not, many civilizations used Gold medicinally to treat a number of ailments(!). It was so beautiful, it just had to be good for you! Oh, if only.
Interestingly enough, however, gold in a salt form can help with inflammation, and injectable gold is used to help the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis.
Ain't that some shit!
So remember kiddies, gold is amazing! Just don't eat it for a head ache, or you might not ever feel anything again. Heavy metal poisoning is a doozy!!
The other faces of gold:
And last, but certainly not least:
Sites referenced:
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Migrating Erudite Ailments aka Diseases you don't want in you!
Hey, everyone! Thanks for coming over to the new blog and taking your time to read this. My main goal is to, in a somewhat interesting and hopefully entertaining way, expose people to new information or vocabulary words. As I said in the post on my other blog, I find that vocabulary is extremely important to interactions in life. Not only does it provide a person with a way to understand others and their ways of thinking, but it also makes a great impression on the people who like to use what my grandmother calls 50 cent words, even if that's not your cup of tea. You never have to be the person you don't want to be, but it doesn't hurt to understand others.
I'm going to include with two words that most everyone probably knows already. However,I encountered a person who did not know these words. An ordinary American citizen. I can hear the comments now about Americans and stupidity, blah blah blah. Just bear with me, will you?
For clarification, I will be using Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Feel free to check any information with other sites for a better and more rounded understanding of the words and subjects. In fact, I'd encourage it. You never know what else you'll find. Like TREASURE!
But probably not.
First word!
Migrant! (links will take you to the online dictionary if you'd like to hear how it's pronounced.)
mi·grant noun \ˈmī-grənt\
Definition of MIGRANT
: one that migrates: as
a : a person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops
b : an animal that shifts from one habitat to another
— migrant adjective
Synonyms: émigré (also emigré), immigrant, incomer [chiefly British], in-migrant, emigrant, out-migrant, settler.
:/ Those are pretty weak synonyms. For me, nomad/nomadic is a good synonym to describe the personage/movement a migrant does.
Origin of MIGRANT
Latin migrant-, migrans, present participle of migrare
First Known Use: 1760
As you can see, migrant can be used as an adjective as well. The most common form is "migrant worker," which, if you live in the US, you've heard plenty of times in the debate over immigration. I, however, prefer to think of it in terms of more delicious ideas.
I'm a migrant eater. At the buffet, I'm like a hungry animal moving from one dish to another. MMM, chocolate pudding! What's that? Dessert, you say?
Well, seeing as this is a buffet, I say it's the main course! Now shut up and eat some jello.
Second word!
er·u·dite adj \ˈer-ə-ˌdīt, ˈer-yə-\
Definition of ERUDITE
: having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying erudition
— er·u·dite·ly adverb
Synonyms: educated, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read
Origin of ERUDITE
Middle English erudit, from Latin eruditus, from past participle of erudire to instruct, from e- + rudis rude, ignorant (<--not exactly sure what e +/- rude, ignorant is about. My apologies.)
First Known Use: 15th century
For those of you who don't know, an adverb is something that describes/modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. In simple terms, think of it not as what someone, but how someone does it.
"He runs."---> "He runs slowly." Slowly being the adverb. It's generally denoted by the -ly ending.
Most people tend to think of erudite people as a bit stuffy or snobbish, but why be so restricted. It says "gained by studying." If you study video game strategies in order to 'pwn teh n00bz,' I see no reason you wouldn't be considered an erudite gamer.
Third word!
Another word most know. That said, a hypochondriac I know was unaware of the meaning of the word. If that's not irony...
ail·ment noun \ˈāl-mənt\
Definition of AILMENT
1: a bodily disorder or chronic disease
2: unrest, uneasiness
Synonyms: affection, ail, disease, bug, complaint, complication, condition, disorder, distemper, distemperature, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trouble
First Known Use of AILMENT
1703 (This section is a little lacking in information, so let's make some shit up.) In 1703, some guy named Norman went to his local pub. It began to rain, and at some point in the night, it hailed for about 15 minutes. To one side of the pub was Sven, who seemed really interested in the storm outside.
After a couple of beers, Norman flopped over in his chair and died. Sven didn't care, though, he was focused on the storm still. Pondering the mysterious ice fall, he said to no one in particular, "I wonder what the hail meant..."
Seeing as his accent was thick, however, and there was much commotion, misheard, and exclaimed loudly, "Indeed, good sir, I too wonder what was the ailment!"
And the rest, as they say, is really badly written and completely fake history. If you read through that whole little thing, I'm sorry, but you can't have back the time you wasted on it. It's mine!
In all seriousness, if you want to know more about the origins of ailment, Google it. I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
And with that, we come full circle. If you've got a Migrating Erudite Ailment, you now know why that's a problem, and I'm not saying you're in trouble, but... I'd suggest the old medicinal method that was so successful at the time.
LEECHES! Yay for leeches!
Definition of LOQUACIOUS
1: full of excessive talk : wordy
2: given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous
— lo·qua·cious·ly adverb
— lo·qua·cious·ness noun
Synonyms: blabby, chatty, conversational, gabby, garrulous, talkative, motormouthed, mouthy, talky.
Antonyms: closemouthed, laconic, reserved, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicative
Latin loquac-, loquax, from loqui to speak
First Known Use: 1663
Loquac- reminds me of a duck. Maybe the first time it was used was to say that someone quacked like a duck! Probably not, though. Don't take my word for it.
You know why else I like loquacious? Two reasons.
I am loquacious. I talk aaaalllll the time, and I love it. I get carried away by the verbal onslaught that falls out of my mouth, and it sometimes gets me into hot water. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like a hottub. :(
It reminds me of a mixture of an old Latin/Roman name, and those ridiculously ornate names that some black women give to their children. Sorry, it just does! Don't hurt me please! >.>
Alright, that's it for my first post. Much longer than I thought it would be, but it's mostly information and it's a bit spread, so it shouldn't be too bad. I'll have more subject related information, and if there is something you'd like to know about, please tell me. Also, let me know what you think of the configuration of this, if you're interested, etc. I'm hoping this'll be fun for all of us!
Disclaimer: Author is not responsible for any leech related accidents. Talk to your doctor about beginning any sort of weird medical treatment, because he'll probably tell you to cut it out.
And don't forget to pwn teh n00bz!
I'm going to include with two words that most everyone probably knows already. However,I encountered a person who did not know these words. An ordinary American citizen. I can hear the comments now about Americans and stupidity, blah blah blah. Just bear with me, will you?
For clarification, I will be using Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Feel free to check any information with other sites for a better and more rounded understanding of the words and subjects. In fact, I'd encourage it. You never know what else you'll find. Like TREASURE!
But probably not.
First word!
Migrant! (links will take you to the online dictionary if you'd like to hear how it's pronounced.)
mi·grant noun \ˈmī-grənt\
Definition of MIGRANT
: one that migrates: as
a : a person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops
b : an animal that shifts from one habitat to another
— migrant adjective
Synonyms: émigré (also emigré), immigrant, incomer [chiefly British], in-migrant, emigrant, out-migrant, settler.
:/ Those are pretty weak synonyms. For me, nomad/nomadic is a good synonym to describe the personage/movement a migrant does.
Origin of MIGRANT
Latin migrant-, migrans, present participle of migrare
First Known Use: 1760
As you can see, migrant can be used as an adjective as well. The most common form is "migrant worker," which, if you live in the US, you've heard plenty of times in the debate over immigration. I, however, prefer to think of it in terms of more delicious ideas.
I'm a migrant eater. At the buffet, I'm like a hungry animal moving from one dish to another. MMM, chocolate pudding! What's that? Dessert, you say?
Well, seeing as this is a buffet, I say it's the main course! Now shut up and eat some jello.
Second word!
er·u·dite adj \ˈer-ə-ˌdīt, ˈer-yə-\
Definition of ERUDITE
: having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying erudition
— er·u·dite·ly adverb
Synonyms: educated, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read
Origin of ERUDITE
Middle English erudit, from Latin eruditus, from past participle of erudire to instruct, from e- + rudis rude, ignorant (<--not exactly sure what e +/- rude, ignorant is about. My apologies.)
First Known Use: 15th century
For those of you who don't know, an adverb is something that describes/modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. In simple terms, think of it not as what someone, but how someone does it.
"He runs."---> "He runs slowly." Slowly being the adverb. It's generally denoted by the -ly ending.
Most people tend to think of erudite people as a bit stuffy or snobbish, but why be so restricted. It says "gained by studying." If you study video game strategies in order to 'pwn teh n00bz,' I see no reason you wouldn't be considered an erudite gamer.
Third word!
Another word most know. That said, a hypochondriac I know was unaware of the meaning of the word. If that's not irony...
ail·ment noun \ˈāl-mənt\
Definition of AILMENT
1: a bodily disorder or chronic disease
2: unrest, uneasiness
Synonyms: affection, ail, disease, bug, complaint, complication, condition, disorder, distemper, distemperature, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trouble
First Known Use of AILMENT
1703 (This section is a little lacking in information, so let's make some shit up.) In 1703, some guy named Norman went to his local pub. It began to rain, and at some point in the night, it hailed for about 15 minutes. To one side of the pub was Sven, who seemed really interested in the storm outside.
After a couple of beers, Norman flopped over in his chair and died. Sven didn't care, though, he was focused on the storm still. Pondering the mysterious ice fall, he said to no one in particular, "I wonder what the hail meant..."
Seeing as his accent was thick, however, and there was much commotion, misheard, and exclaimed loudly, "Indeed, good sir, I too wonder what was the ailment!"
And the rest, as they say, is really badly written and completely fake history. If you read through that whole little thing, I'm sorry, but you can't have back the time you wasted on it. It's mine!
In all seriousness, if you want to know more about the origins of ailment, Google it. I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
And with that, we come full circle. If you've got a Migrating Erudite Ailment, you now know why that's a problem, and I'm not saying you're in trouble, but... I'd suggest the old medicinal method that was so successful at the time.
LEECHES! Yay for leeches!
Definition of LOQUACIOUS
1: full of excessive talk : wordy
2: given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous
— lo·qua·cious·ly adverb
— lo·qua·cious·ness noun
Synonyms: blabby, chatty, conversational, gabby, garrulous, talkative, motormouthed, mouthy, talky.
Antonyms: closemouthed, laconic, reserved, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicative
Latin loquac-, loquax, from loqui to speak
First Known Use: 1663
Loquac- reminds me of a duck. Maybe the first time it was used was to say that someone quacked like a duck! Probably not, though. Don't take my word for it.
You know why else I like loquacious? Two reasons.
I am loquacious. I talk aaaalllll the time, and I love it. I get carried away by the verbal onslaught that falls out of my mouth, and it sometimes gets me into hot water. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like a hottub. :(
It reminds me of a mixture of an old Latin/Roman name, and those ridiculously ornate names that some black women give to their children. Sorry, it just does! Don't hurt me please! >.>
Alright, that's it for my first post. Much longer than I thought it would be, but it's mostly information and it's a bit spread, so it shouldn't be too bad. I'll have more subject related information, and if there is something you'd like to know about, please tell me. Also, let me know what you think of the configuration of this, if you're interested, etc. I'm hoping this'll be fun for all of us!
Disclaimer: Author is not responsible for any leech related accidents. Talk to your doctor about beginning any sort of weird medical treatment, because he'll probably tell you to cut it out.
And don't forget to pwn teh n00bz!
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