I'm going to include with two words that most everyone probably knows already. However,I encountered a person who did not know these words. An ordinary American citizen. I can hear the comments now about Americans and stupidity, blah blah blah. Just bear with me, will you?
For clarification, I will be using Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Feel free to check any information with other sites for a better and more rounded understanding of the words and subjects. In fact, I'd encourage it. You never know what else you'll find. Like TREASURE!
But probably not.
First word!
Migrant! (links will take you to the online dictionary if you'd like to hear how it's pronounced.)
mi·grant noun \ˈmī-grənt\
Definition of MIGRANT
: one that migrates: as
a : a person who moves regularly in order to find work especially in harvesting crops
b : an animal that shifts from one habitat to another
— migrant adjective
Synonyms: émigré (also emigré), immigrant, incomer [chiefly British], in-migrant, emigrant, out-migrant, settler.
:/ Those are pretty weak synonyms. For me, nomad/nomadic is a good synonym to describe the personage/movement a migrant does.
Origin of MIGRANT
Latin migrant-, migrans, present participle of migrare
First Known Use: 1760
As you can see, migrant can be used as an adjective as well. The most common form is "migrant worker," which, if you live in the US, you've heard plenty of times in the debate over immigration. I, however, prefer to think of it in terms of more delicious ideas.
I'm a migrant eater. At the buffet, I'm like a hungry animal moving from one dish to another. MMM, chocolate pudding! What's that? Dessert, you say?
Well, seeing as this is a buffet, I say it's the main course! Now shut up and eat some jello.
Second word!
er·u·dite adj \ˈer-ə-ˌdīt, ˈer-yə-\
Definition of ERUDITE
: having or showing knowledge that is gained by studying : possessing or displaying erudition
— er·u·dite·ly adverb
Synonyms: educated, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read
Origin of ERUDITE
Middle English erudit, from Latin eruditus, from past participle of erudire to instruct, from e- + rudis rude, ignorant (<--not exactly sure what e +/- rude, ignorant is about. My apologies.)
First Known Use: 15th century
For those of you who don't know, an adverb is something that describes/modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. In simple terms, think of it not as what someone, but how someone does it.
"He runs."---> "He runs slowly." Slowly being the adverb. It's generally denoted by the -ly ending.
Most people tend to think of erudite people as a bit stuffy or snobbish, but why be so restricted. It says "gained by studying." If you study video game strategies in order to 'pwn teh n00bz,' I see no reason you wouldn't be considered an erudite gamer.
Third word!
Another word most know. That said, a hypochondriac I know was unaware of the meaning of the word. If that's not irony...
ail·ment noun \ˈāl-mənt\
Definition of AILMENT
1: a bodily disorder or chronic disease
2: unrest, uneasiness
Synonyms: affection, ail, disease, bug, complaint, complication, condition, disorder, distemper, distemperature, fever, ill, illness, infirmity, malady, sickness, trouble
First Known Use of AILMENT
1703 (This section is a little lacking in information, so let's make some shit up.) In 1703, some guy named Norman went to his local pub. It began to rain, and at some point in the night, it hailed for about 15 minutes. To one side of the pub was Sven, who seemed really interested in the storm outside.
After a couple of beers, Norman flopped over in his chair and died. Sven didn't care, though, he was focused on the storm still. Pondering the mysterious ice fall, he said to no one in particular, "I wonder what the hail meant..."
Seeing as his accent was thick, however, and there was much commotion, misheard, and exclaimed loudly, "Indeed, good sir, I too wonder what was the ailment!"
And the rest, as they say, is really badly written and completely fake history. If you read through that whole little thing, I'm sorry, but you can't have back the time you wasted on it. It's mine!
In all seriousness, if you want to know more about the origins of ailment, Google it. I'm sure it's out there somewhere.
And with that, we come full circle. If you've got a Migrating Erudite Ailment, you now know why that's a problem, and I'm not saying you're in trouble, but... I'd suggest the old medicinal method that was so successful at the time.
LEECHES! Yay for leeches!
Definition of LOQUACIOUS
1: full of excessive talk : wordy
2: given to fluent or excessive talk : garrulous
— lo·qua·cious·ly adverb
— lo·qua·cious·ness noun
Synonyms: blabby, chatty, conversational, gabby, garrulous, talkative, motormouthed, mouthy, talky.
Antonyms: closemouthed, laconic, reserved, reticent, taciturn, tight-lipped, uncommunicative
Latin loquac-, loquax, from loqui to speak
First Known Use: 1663
Loquac- reminds me of a duck. Maybe the first time it was used was to say that someone quacked like a duck! Probably not, though. Don't take my word for it.
You know why else I like loquacious? Two reasons.
I am loquacious. I talk aaaalllll the time, and I love it. I get carried away by the verbal onslaught that falls out of my mouth, and it sometimes gets me into hot water. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like a hottub. :(
It reminds me of a mixture of an old Latin/Roman name, and those ridiculously ornate names that some black women give to their children. Sorry, it just does! Don't hurt me please! >.>
Alright, that's it for my first post. Much longer than I thought it would be, but it's mostly information and it's a bit spread, so it shouldn't be too bad. I'll have more subject related information, and if there is something you'd like to know about, please tell me. Also, let me know what you think of the configuration of this, if you're interested, etc. I'm hoping this'll be fun for all of us!
Disclaimer: Author is not responsible for any leech related accidents. Talk to your doctor about beginning any sort of weird medical treatment, because he'll probably tell you to cut it out.
And don't forget to pwn teh n00bz!
Woo! I'm your first follower! I better get some lovin for this...
ReplyDeleteI love this concept. It's like the word-of-the-day calendars, but more interactive.
THANKS!! You'll get some major lovin'. I think of a way to show my appreciation, for sure. It means a lot, especially from an award winner! ;P
ReplyDeleteAh that man is such an erudite migrant. He never settles at one farmland and knows whatever there is to know about corn. I heard he even produces ailments out of them! But I reckon the chap is quite the loquacious type.
ReplyDeleteCool, hear Loquacious used quite often, so nice to know it comes from "to speaK" and other little tidbits =D Hope the blog takes off!
ReplyDeletenicely written, very informative
ReplyDeleteambiguous vocab aint cool bro
ReplyDeleteI just use the vocab a lot of people know so they wont have to look up each and every word I write or speak.
great blog. i love your post concepts
ReplyDeleteGreat blog for us non-native english speakers!
ReplyDeletei could so relate when you refer your self as a migrant eater at a buffet lol!
ReplyDeleteloquacious is a new word for my vocabulary thanks
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