Let's get the show on the road!
First word!
ethe·re·al adj \i-ˈthir-ē-əl\
Definition of ETHEREAL
1 a : of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
b : celestial, heavenly
c : unworldly, spiritual
2 a : lacking material substance : immaterial, intangible
b : marked by unusual delicacy or refinement (this smallest, most ethereal, and
daintiest of birds — William Beebe)
c : suggesting the heavens or heaven
3 : relating to, containing, or resembling a chemical ether
— ethe·re·al·i·ty noun
— ethe·re·al·i·za·tion noun
— ethe·re·al·ize transitive verb
— ethe·re·al·ly adverb
— ethe·re·al·ness noun
Examples of ETHEREAL
"The windows give the church an ethereal glow."
"Charisma is an ethereal attribute that every performer should have."
Synonyms: bodiless, immaterial, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied, unsubstantial
Antonyms: bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial
First Known Use of ETHEREAL
-March 27 – Juan Ponce de Leon becomes the first European definitely known to sight what is now the territory of the United States (specifically Florida), mistaking it for another island.
-April 2 – Juan Ponce de Leon and his expedition become the first Europeans known to visit Florida, landing somewhere on the east coast.
-December – Louis XII makes peace with the Pope and Spain.
Juan Ponce de Leon saw land in the New World for the first time, and the ethereal sensation that overcame was one of total WIN! His happiness permeated so strongly across the world that Louis XII didn't even have the heart to keep on fighting with his neighbors, Spain. And they all lived happily ever after.
What's that?
They didn't live happily ever after?
Pfft! Killjoy.
Second word!
1re·buke verb \ri-ˈbyük\
Definition of REBUKE
transitive verb
1 a : to criticize sharply : reprimand
b : to serve as a rebuke to
2 : to turn back or keep down : check
— re·buk·er noun
Examples of REBUKE
"The father was forced to rebuke his son for the careless ways he had adopted since arriving at college."
"He strongly rebuked the girl for playing with matches."
Related to REBUKE
Synonyms: admonish, chide, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick off, burn one's ears, get after, get on
Antonyms: cite, commend, endorse
Origin of REBUKE
Middle English, from Anglo-French rebucher, rebouker to blunt, check, reprimand
First Known Use: 14th century
-The Scots win the Scottish Wars of Independence.
-The transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age.
-Beginning of the Renaissance in Italy.
Hooray for the Scots! They take their independence until the 1600's when James VI, King of Scots, takes the English throne. Hooray for Italy, starting the Renaissance, which was totally cool! And hooray for-
BOO to Mother Nature, for making it cold and going all Little Ice Age. I rebuke you, Mother Nature, and I dare you to do something about it!

NO! Nonononononono! I was kidding. Kidding. Joking. It was a jokey joke. I love you Nother Nature!
Don't hurt meee...
Hahahha so true when you described him as always having that "im a little high" look to him
ReplyDeleteHa. You made me laugh.